00:18:54 FABACADEMY_BCN ZOOM: http://fabacademy.org/2020/labs/barcelona/local/#material/week09/ 00:27:06 FABACADEMY_BCN ZOOM: https://hackmd.io/RzTkiKoXTbqeQOn4Nz_zAw 00:35:53 FABACADEMY_BCN ZOOM: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7e/Hall_sensor_tach.gif 00:42:30 LynnDika: are we seeing something specific on the screen? 00:42:38 FABACADEMY_BCN ZOOM: no 00:42:44 FABACADEMY_BCN ZOOM: for now just speech 00:42:47 LynnDika: can we see his face? 00:42:53 LynnDika: okey, i will ask 00:43:05 LynnDika: nevermind 00:43:17 natalia: Would be good 01:13:20 benjaminscott: Same as on arduinos: https://esp32.com/viewtopic.php?t=11349 01:17:56 LynnDika: is vice drawing something? 01:18:03 benjaminscott: no 01:20:36 benjaminscott: Use Ecosia, not DuckDuckGo: https://www.ecosia.org/ 01:20:51 Andrea Bertran: do they pay you? 01:21:33 david: this is what i found about the pins of a ESP32 Wroom 01:21:51 benjaminscott: @Andrea, not yet 01:22:00 david: those are the pin definitions about those that have pull up ? 01:22:10 Pablo Zuloaga Betancourt: @Victor, could you please share with us the link of your presentation 01:22:24 benjaminscott: Pablo: https://hackmd.io/RzTkiKoXTbqeQOn4Nz_zAw 01:22:41 Pablo Zuloaga Betancourt: Thx 01:23:13 LynnDika: pinwheel? 01:23:36 Andrea Bertran: https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=pinwheel&atb=v204-1&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2Fc04JYq5cA6c%2Fmaxresdefault.jpg 01:24:33 LynnDika: thanks! 01:37:42 benjaminscott: 255 no? 01:38:00 FABACADEMY_BCN ZOOM: from 0 to 255 01:38:09 FABACADEMY_BCN ZOOM: total of 256 01:38:12 benjaminscott: (y) 01:40:10 benjaminscott: so, in Victor’s documentation it should be 0 to 1023 01:43:47 FABACADEMY_BCN ZOOM: analog 0 to 1023 01:44:01 FABACADEMY_BCN ZOOM: digital 0-255 but pwm digital 01:44:09 FABACADEMY_BCN ZOOM: raw digital is 0-1 01:44:24 FABACADEMY_BCN ZOOM: PWM states to PULSE WITH MODULATION 02:16:08 benjaminscott: ESP32 - ADCs on the left - https://gitlab.fabcloud.org/barcelonaworkshops/barduino-2.0#what-is-barduino-20 02:20:24 LynnDika: https://playtronica.com/ 02:20:54 LynnDika: a russian project based on sensory music 02:21:32 Pablo Z: Like a Russian roulette to play it nowdays 02:22:19 LynnDika: HAHAHA 02:29:43 santifu: https://fabacademy.org/archives/2012/students/fuentemilla.santiago/final%20project.html 02:32:17 santifu: https://la.disneyresearch.com/publication/touche-enhancing-touch-interaction-on-humans-screens-liquids-and-everyday-objects/ 02:32:52 FABACADEMY_BCN ZOOM: geeky russian roulette: https://www.cyberciti.biz/link/lmao-command-line-russian-roulette-for-linux-and-unix-users/ 02:33:08 FABACADEMY_BCN ZOOM: (don’t do it, just read) 02:38:11 santifu: https://www.unfinishedman.com/noisy-jelly/ 03:02:35 FABACADEMY_BCN ZOOM: https://docs.smartcitizen.me/Components/Soil/ 03:23:53 FABACADEMY_BCN ZOOM: https://www.unfinishedman.com/noisy-jelly/ 03:24:10 FABACADEMY_BCN ZOOM: https://la.disneyresearch.com/publication/touche-enhancing-touch-interaction-on-humans-screens-liquids-and-everyday-objects/ 04:43:50 david: Fast and Furious Transform 04:44:30 benjaminscott: haha 04:44:31 benjaminscott: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fast_Fourier_transform 04:45:04 david: I WANT MY VIN DIESEL MATHEMATICAL TRANSFORMATION 04:48:14 FABACADEMY_BCN ZOOM: Fast and Furious Transform hahaahhaahhhaahahahahahhaah 04:48:15 david: Inverse Fast and the Fourious Transformation 04:48:31 david: All can be solved with convolution. 04:48:39 david: It's the new magic 04:49:34 FABACADEMY_BCN ZOOM: https://pics.me.me/she-wassending-me-mixed-signals-so-i-did-a-fourier-14007760.png 04:49:45 FABACADEMY_BCN ZOOM: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DBVimukUAAEZ442.jpg:large 04:56:12 FABACADEMY_BCN ZOOM: https://learn.adafruit.com/experimenters-guide-for-metro/circ08-using%20the%20arduino%20serial%20plotter 04:56:51 rugé: damn! so cool