00:36:32 arman: https://www.food4rhino.com/app/human-ui 00:41:23 Daniil Koshelyuk: For sharing there is also speckle https://speckle.systems/ and it has package for Unity to send and receive as well 00:45:49 FABACADEMY_BCN ZOOM: https://bruno-simon.com/ 00:57:50 arman: https://www.food4rhino.com/app/ivy 01:24:14 Daniil Koshelyuk: and on material 01:55:16 Daniil Koshelyuk: count meshes 01:55:36 Daniil Koshelyuk: ah or merge mesh 01:59:58 Daniil Koshelyuk: it is just punishment 02:00:52 Daniil Koshelyuk: it is trying to minimize this abstract number, and infinite is bigger than any possible solution so it will never select these type of solution 02:01:25 Daniil Koshelyuk: Probably Zoom 02:17:28 Daniil Koshelyuk: I think for this task you can exactly calculate it using Principal Component Analysis which I think is implemented in Owl 02:27:33 arman: https://youtu.be/msttfIHHkak 02:29:27 Magdalena Mojsiejuk: xenomorph 02:29:51 Daphne Gerodimou: venom:p 02:37:29 Magdalena Mojsiejuk: next step https://cdorgs.github.io 02:47:11 Daphne Gerodimou: Its a turtle 02:47:48 Daniil Koshelyuk: so turtle is topologically optimized donut 02:47:56 Magdalena Mojsiejuk: ahaha 02:48:06 Daphne Gerodimou: good to know 02:51:20 Daniil Koshelyuk: Which one? 02:51:40 Daniil Koshelyuk: aah 02:52:41 Magdalena Mojsiejuk: i prefer the turtle 02:55:39 Daniil Koshelyuk: . . . 02:58:25 Daniil Koshelyuk: At least Ardeshir is documented well 02:59:56 Daniil Koshelyuk: Does it push on the shell? 03:01:00 Daniil Koshelyuk: cliffhanger 03:02:20 Daniil Koshelyuk: Imagine just doing it for one slice 03:06:18 Daniil Koshelyuk: a new turtle 03:06:23 Magdalena Mojsiejuk: ^^ 03:07:39 Daniil Koshelyuk: https://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0264127519306021-gr13.jpg 03:12:08 Daniil Koshelyuk: I was trying to