00:07:40 arman: http://fabacademy.org/2020/labs/barcelona/students/arman-najari/projects/final-project-week6/ 00:25:43 David Prieto: http://fabacademy.org/2020/labs/barcelona/students/david-prieto/assignments/week08/#join-the-joinery-j-union 00:28:02 David Prieto: https://sketchfab.com/?utm_medium=embed&utm_source=website&utm_campaign=share-popup 00:40:57 daphne: Ghosting 01:00:57 Tue: for me choosing a partner is always a pain =)) 01:01:18 Tue: i was secretly hoping that you guys choose for me jaja 01:02:54 FABACADEMY_BCN ZOOM: https://gitlab.com/fablabbcn-projects 01:07:03 antoine: motor : https://es.aliexpress.com/item/32838685026.html 01:09:22 Mitalee Parikh: do you guys see those blue random boxes on edu’s screen? 01:09:32 David Prieto: yes 01:09:35 Benjamin S: Yeah it’s the zoom windows 01:09:36 Magdalena Mojsiejuk: its zoom 01:09:52 Mitalee Parikh: okay 01:11:23 Oscar Gonzalez: here you have the spreadsheet with the list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pyzOGagaflGC7IotFdsYYbl9uy9JtkpqdnjkquNBvX4/edit?usp=sharing 01:13:19 antoine: hey oscar, the doc isn't public 01:13:57 Oscar Gonzalez: done 01:14:06 antoine: thanks 01:21:16 David Prieto: CNCmachinefinal final estavezsi.3dm 01:24:50 Oscar Gonzalez: jajaja 01:24:52 Oscar Gonzalez: king 01:34:49 Magdalena Mojsiejuk: ahahaha the names >< 01:48:04 Oscar Gonzalez: https://gitlab.com/fablabbcn-projects/electronics/barduino-cnc-shield/-/tree/master/ 01:51:58 Daniil Koshelyuk: I want to solder that 🤩 01:52:42 Oscar Gonzalez: https://www.pololu.com/product/2980 01:57:40 Daniil Koshelyuk: by why do you have separate pin for microstepping? 02:01:37 David Prieto: RUMBLE PACK 02:01:50 David Prieto: (For Nintendo 64) 02:06:29 Daniil Koshelyuk: On a related note some pin in documentation say inputs only, why does a chip care what I use it for? are they different? 02:09:52 Daniil Koshelyuk: but one is under the chip? 02:17:49 arman: http://mtm.cba.mit.edu/ 02:23:04 Benjamin S: https://www.amazon.es/M%C3%B3dulo-l%C3%A1ser-para-3018-cabezal/dp/B087T9KD2Z/ref=sr_1_3?__mk_es_ES=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&dchild=1&keywords=modulo+de+laser&qid=1590598932&s=tools&sr=1-3 02:23:47 Pablo Zuloaga: you could maybe paint into photographic paper with that in a dark room 02:27:53 Andrea Bertran: hahahahah david 02:32:15 Benjamin S: Press play 02:37:45 santifu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=e7N-LplAEGk&feature=emb_logo 02:38:08 Benjamin S: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqvgA1P5hWg 02:38:37 Daniil Koshelyuk: You have no sound 02:39:35 David Prieto: I want to draw with light and mirrors 02:56:42 daphne: niiiice 03:03:26 Daniil Koshelyuk: Could you share the table? 03:03:40 David Prieto: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pyzOGagaflGC7IotFdsYYbl9uy9JtkpqdnjkquNBvX4/edit#gid=0 03:08:04 Daniil Koshelyuk: Am I the only one not hearing? 03:10:15 arman: https://dzone.com/articles/diy-smt-pick-and-place-machine-with-openpnp 03:16:38 Daniil Koshelyuk: maybe the machine is a flame-thrower 03:17:29 arman: :))