About me

Hi! I am Menghe, usually called Yume in Japan.

I am an enthusiast in empowering learners by combining my background in both engineering and education.

I was born and raised in China, am here in Tokyo for 9 years now.

I majored in Chemical System Engineering in the University of Tokyo, I conducted research about chemical reactions, chemical plant design, environmental impact assessment, etc.

I finally got my Master’s degree but had the courage to shift my career entirely to…


The reason is that, throughout the education I received in China, I was used to being “fed” of knowledge and being “chased” to get good scores in exam, without really thinking about how I want to live my life.

Only until Senior year in university did I realize how autonomy could make my learning experience so much more motivating, interesting and beneficial. From that point, I decided that my mission is to help learners experience the joy of autonomous learning and the joy to design their path, and to fight for who they strive to be.

I currently work at an EdTech company doing content design and global marketing for a learning/entertaining app for children.

Outside of my work, I organize creative making workshops where children gather to make things using LEGO, cardboard, programing, film making, etc.

Instead of programming using “pretty looking” pre-made robots that are somehow black-boxed, I love to get children making everything from scratch.

I believe that the “making from scratch” experience is extremely empowering for learners.
They get more emotionally attached to what they made, thus they willgain stronger sense of achievement.

Through FabAcademy, I want to acquire digital fabrication skills and also to collect inspirations about innovative making projects.

Overall, I am an extrovert very much enjoying talking to people and hosting house parties. I look forward to chatting with you soon!