echo(version=version()); use ; use ; use ; use ; use ; use ; bdylen=98; soc_z1 = 15.5; soc_z2 = 38.5; soc_z3 = 61.5; soc_z4 = 84.5; stemlen = 7; unplugged = 22; //set to 11 to de-explode the assembly circle_res = 50; body(soc_z1,soc_z2,soc_z3,soc_z4,circle_res,bdylen,stemlen); // gauge holder for (i = [soc_z1,soc_z2,soc_z3,soc_z4]) { translate([0,unplugged,i]) rotate([-90,0,0]) gauge_holder_2(circle_res,stemlen); } // soldering tab for (i = [soc_z1,soc_z2,soc_z3,soc_z4]) { translate([0,unplugged,i]) rotate([-90,0,0]) translate([7,-1,10]) rotate([0,0,30]) soldering_tab(0); } // sensor for (i=[soc_z1,soc_z2,soc_z3,soc_z4]) { translate([0,unplugged-stemlen+.5,i]) rotate([-90,0,180]) color("red") sensor(unplugged); } // bolts for (i=[soc_z1,soc_z2,soc_z3,soc_z4]) { translate([6,unplugged+11,i+6]) rotate([0,90,-90]) color("blue") cap_screw(5,16,circle_res); translate([-6,unplugged+11,i+6]) rotate([0,90,-90]) color("blue") cap_screw(5,16,circle_res); translate([0,unplugged+11,i-8.5]) rotate([0,90,-90]) color("blue") cap_screw(5,16,circle_res); } /* // RH riser color("red") translate([risSep/2+beamSize/2,-beamSize,-beamSize/2]) linear_extrude(height = 1000) square(beamSize, center=true); */ // submarine /* color("blue") translate([0,-700/2+beamFace,210]) rotate([0,90,0]) rotate_extrude(angle = 180, convexity = 10) { difference () { scale([1,4.2])circle(d=700); translate([0,-2000,0]) square([1000,4000]); } } */ /* // RH cradle color("yellow") translate([risSep/2-20,beamFace-350,235]) rotate([0,90,0]) linear_extrude(height = 20) { difference () { difference () { scale([1,1])circle(d=710); scale([1,1])circle(d=700); } translate([-600,-1000,0]) square([640,2000]); translate([0,-500,0]) square([200,400]); } } */ /* difference() { cylinder (h = 400, r=100, center = true, $fn=100); rotate ([90,0,0]) cylinder (h = 400, r=100, center = true, $fn=100); } */ /* translate([10,0,900]) cube([1180,20,20]); translate([10,0,0]) cube([1180,20,20]); */ /* // LH forksleeve translate([-forkSplit/2-forkWidth/2,beamSize/2+20,645-60+60]) rotate([90,90,0]) linear_extrude(height = 280) { difference () { square([60,120]); translate([3,3,0]) square([54,114]); } } */ // 1380 outsides long, 120 x 120 beams, 645 outsides height // using the scale parameter a frustum can be constructed /*color("green") translate([-30, 0, 0]) linear_extrude(height = 20, scale = 0.2) square([20, 10], center = true); */ // with twist the extruded shape will rotate around the Z axis /*color("cyan") translate([30, 0, 0]) linear_extrude(height = 20, twist = 90) square([20, 10], center = true); */ // combining both relatively complex shapes can be created /*color("gray") translate([0, 30, 0]) linear_extrude(height = 40, twist = -360, scale = 0, center = true, slices = 200) square([20, 10], center = true); */ // Written in 2015 by Torsten Paul // // To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all // copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to the // public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without any // warranty. // // You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain // Dedication along with this software. // If not, see .