
Bootcamp assignments
- Lectures of Prof. Gershenfeld
- Participate on discussions of Assessment Guide and evaluation
- Hands-on sessions with Global Fab Academy Team on advanced assignments.
- FreeCAD: V0.21 improvements, tricks and tips
- KiCAD: v6 improvements, tricks and tips
- svgpcb: WOW!
- samd: make, stuff, program, workflows with the new programers
- Continue Urumbu by making modular machine parts
- Building a Voron 2.4 - CoreXY - Klipper controlled - DIY kit
- Talks and tutorials from experts in the network
- Fab Academy Instructors Bootcamp Certificate of Survival
What you always wanted to know anyway:
- local evaluation (when is it 100%?) and can be send to global
- global role and responsability (communication with local and students)
- how to document group assignments
- documentation and design files (source and/or interchange files?)
- Howto deal with students
Special assignment:
- Make something you cannot do in a super Fab Lab with machines that are at least 15 years old :-)
And last but not least:
- 15.5 anniversary Fablab Amsterdam event at AUAS on Jan 13th
- 15.5 anniversary party at Waag/Fablab