Applications and Implications Assignment 18

What is My Project ?

My Project is a wireless Mouse That move using Analog joystick .. Which will be useful in gaming and Help PwD “ People With Disabilities “ to make their life better ..

Who has done what beforehand?

I found after I did it someone do it using the same sensor .. and it works good :)

This is the link 

But I did it in a very Different way as mine is wireless .. and have an interesting bus communication ..

What materials and components will be required?



Price for 1


Res 10K




Res 499




Capacitor 10UF








FTDI Header




HC-05 Bluetooth Module








ISP Pin Header




Female Pin Header

17 Pin




18 gm




10 cm2



Total price is 45$

What parts and systems will be made?

Transmitter :

Is a device that will be the input circuit for the system which carry the analog joystick and communicate through bluetooth which is already paired with another one in the output circuit also have a very challenge Cad Design for a mount that can wear it in my finger to can use it .

Receiver :

Is a device that will Receive the data from the Input circuit and Output it on the Leds to show the changes that happen .. and Also Pass the data to the computer on the data bus ..

Interfacing :

Is the Software on computer that will control the Mouse and Receive data from the Output Circuit

Communication Bus :

Is the Logic of communicating three devices on same bus and how to handle data from one to another to show and keep tracking data flow going .. On the other hand make the communication not to depend on time .. But there are a way of communication between each one of them to keep tracking data flow without missing any bit ..

What processes will be used?

Transmitter :

  1. Design A hand Mount to can carry my device and feel light to your hand and protect the system ..  
  1. This Will be made Using 3D printer to Print the Mount #Assignment
  2. THis will be made Using Vinyl to do the branding #Assignment
  1. Design a PCB that read the data of the Analog and Transmit it to the output through bluetooth
  1. This will be made using CNC Milling Machine #Assignment
  1. Programming to Read From the Sensor and Send Data to Bluetooth
  1. This will be made in Communication Assignment #Assingment 

Receiver :

  1. Design A mount for My PCB that can hold everything
  1. This Will be made Using Lasercutter to Print the Mount #Assignment
  2. THis will be made Using Vinyl to do the branding #Assignment
  1. Design a PCB that read the data of the Analog and Transmit it to the output through bluetooth
  1. This will be made using CNC Milling Machine #Assignment
  1. Programming to Read From the Sensor and Send Data to Bluetooth
  1. This will be made in Communication Assignment #Assingment 

Interfacing :

  1. Write a code that can Interface with the 2 Pcbs in same time ..  
  1. Testing Using Processing
  2. Testing Using Python #Assignment

Communication bus :

  1. Draft a language to control data from a device to another to keep flow going without have any missing bits  ..  
  1. Draft
  2. Implement in Communication Week #Assignment

What tasks need to be completed?

All Is Tested and Completed Unless the Casing for Lasercutter and Vinyl Branding

What questions need to be answered?

The Hardest Question was the The Communication Bus It was Lovely to work on it and Doing it

What is the schedule?

As the freeze is going to be at 11/6 So I have to finalize all of this by this week ..

My Review is going to be at 18/6 ..

How will it be evaluated?

As The Academy Purpose to Teach us How To integrate Digital Fabrications Skills together in One Project ..

So I believe that the criteria to be used to measure the final project is :


  1. Is the 3D printed Design Working FIne and easy to use ?
  2. Is the Input Board able to send data when it requested from Output board to read data from the Joystick ?
  3. Is the Output Board Controlling The data coming from the Input board and Handling it Easily to the Interface ?
  4. Is the Output Board Leds respond to the data coming from the Bluetooth ?
  5. Is the PC Can Receive data and Start moving the Mouse and Making clicks Depend on the data coming ?

I have a problem with my analog joystick that it has a lot of noise and As i didnt have access to the main sensor and this was the last piece in egypt and now it is out of stock .. So I prefered to work with it to just introduce the Proof of Concept with it .. and That the Whole system is working well ..