We Need to do at this assignment 3 main things :

1) Think about a license
2) Think about Possibilitles
3) Video and Presentation for 1 Minute

As I always support the OpenSource Community and Love to share my knowledge but Not to used in Business with having any Credits Back to me ..

So After Searching I Found these licence that give you all permission to work with my project as an opensource but not in a business purpose ..

And It called " Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License " For Project Possiblilities :

As In my Work there are a Lab for PwD I will contribute this project with them to test it and see an impact for it ..

Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Project Business Vision :

My Project still in Development phase and I am going to make A big changes AS Removing the joystic and make it Touch Pad ..

So ..

Do I need an Accelerator ?

No as The Fabrication and Time Consumbion at this Project is not this much and The Core of the Project is the software ..

Do I need to use outsource Factory to Help The Production Phase ?

Until Now .. No as I think I can Produce 3 Days For 3 Pieces

#Day 1 : 3D Printing 1 Model and Fabricate 3 Kits
#Day 2 : 3D printing 1 Model and Soldering 3 Kits
#Day 3 : 3D printing 1 Model and Test Whole system

How To calculate its market Value ?

I need to estimate the market Value Depending on the compatators and need to figure it out how much I need to add to the cost of the Project to make it to sustaintability ..

How to Reduce the Cost of the Project

There are some Ideas for Reducing the Cost ..
#Using another technology Instead of Bluetooth
#Making Pcbs In Factory with Pick and Place
#using Moulding and Casting for the Product Instead of 3D printing
#Make it Touchpad as it will be better to use it ..

Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.