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Intro about fusion 360 (TO DO):
To realize this game it's useful to draw the puzzle pieces (the geometric one) in a parametric way: in this manner you will be able to obtain many different shapes with a single model. But if you want you can also draw without using parameters.
I started modeling the joint in order to constrain and parameterize the parts of the piece based on the thickness.
I later built this figure with the circular pattern command. I then made the end points of the sides coincident.
Designed in this way I was able to draw pieces of 3, 4, 5, 6 and even 12 faces without losing the functionality of the joint.
Designed in this way I was able to draw pieces of 3, 4, 5, 6 and even 12 faces without losing the functionality of the joint. I then chose to leave the user free to cut pieces of two sizes (large or small), for my example I cut the small ones.
Also for this piece you started setting the joint and putting the other dimensions according to the thickness of the material.
Use the command "mirror"for reflect the part.
In the following screenshot you will find all the parameters I used to make the two pieces parametric.
After this work I exported the six pieces chosen with the help of the Fusion 360 DXF FOR LASER plugin. If you do not have this plugin you can export the sketch by right clicking on the name of the sketck and selecting "download .dxf" but remember that the kerf will not be considered.
You can download the model here.
If among all the download formats choose "fusion" (.f3d) you can open the fusion model and see all the modeling steps from the history and all the parameters from "modify -> parameters".
When you've got a .dxf file (which is a 2D model) you can proceed with the table setting. You can do this step with a vector graphics program (inkscape) or with a 3d modeling program (Rhinoceros). This depends on where the laser cutting machine drivers are installed.
At this LINK you can see the "starter kit" of Vectorialism (Italian lasercut service) it is very usefull for understand the logic of cutting and engraving layer in different softwarer: Inkscape, Blander, etc.
Then you can choose material: remember what thickness you made the joints! I chose to cut on a 4 mm thick plywood. I considered 0.1 mm of kerf (interference of lasercutter) when I exported my 3D model from Fusion 360 with the plugin DXF for Laser and it's done. I cutted everything with a Spirit GLS machine and using the print driver from Rhinoceros (I also did the nesting on rhinoceros).