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20. Final Project

My final project is a second iteration of an artistic installation that I worked on for my Fabricademy Certification. I re-designed it, created my own boards that would be easy to set up in multiple locations, and add an interactive input element.


More research on the ideation and the process can be seen on my Fabricademy website.

Works done before

Pressure Sensor

Show Insert Pressure Sensor

Facial Emotion Recognition

Deep Convolution Neural Network for FER FabLab UAE

Final Requirements

Bill of Materials

Component Total Price Quantity
ESP32-S3-Wroom-1 $2.95 1
Button Switch $3.70 2
Red SMD LED $0.29 1
WS2813 $1.63 1
10kOhm Resistor $0.62 10
MOSFET RFD16N05LSM $2.12 2
0ohm Resistor $0.40 4
560ohm Resistor $0.10 1
Linear Regulator $0.38 1
Connector PinHeader (Female - Male) $3.00 37
Screw Terminal 01x02_P5mm $3.25 3
Connector PinHeader (Male - Male) $1.66 37


The following weeks were utilized to work on the final project:

System Integration

3D Model of the case

The pressure sensor matrix hosts all the electronics and wirings in the back by being attached to it and hidden by it.

In the future development of the project, I would potentially create pockets in the felted wool to host all the parts of the project so it is packaged well. I would also use protection and covering for the wirings.


Future Developments

In the future, I would change the felted wool side of the matrix to be layers of activated charcoal dyed wool and regular wool felt together so I wouldn't have to add the copper tape on this side. I would also change the recipe for the recycled cardboard to be more flexible and elastic so it can have a more sensitive range of values.

As for the text, I would like to test creating a Flask server and having a better and more immersive interface.

Chosen License

As this project is a creative interactive installation that merges hardware and software in an artwork, it is best to use a combined license. The MIT License or CERN Open Hardware License for the software and hardware respectively and the Creative Commons Licenses for the artwork and documentation.

Fabrication files

  1. File: All Files