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RP2040 has two ARM Cortex-M0+ cores, and the second core normally remains dormant.

pico-debug runs on one core in a RP2040 and provides a USB CMSIS-DAP interface to debug the other core. No hardware is added; it is as if there were a virtual debug pod built-in.

Boot the RP2040 with the BOOTSEL button pressed, copy over pico-debug.uf2, and it immediately reboots as a CMSIS-DAP adapter. pico-debug loads as a RAM only .uf2 image, meaning that it is never written to flash and doesn't replace existing user code.




Most users (including all arduino-pico users) should use the GIMMECACHE version

Boot the RP2040 with the BOOTSEL button pressed, copy over pico-debug.uf2, and it immediately reboots as a CMSIS-DAP adapter.  
pico-debug loads as a RAM only .uf2 image, meaning that it is never written to flash and doesn't replace existing user code.


The debugger is compatible with all SAMD boards.

End of the story

Last update: March 5, 2024