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Fusion Electronics 3D

Sample PCB PCB_3D Enclosure
All Layers Traces Outline Holes
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mill 2D PCB
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0. Download Libraries

1. Make New Folder and Electronics Design files

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2. Design Schematic

2-1. Place components

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2-2. Design

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2-3. Document

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3. Design PCB

3-1. Design Rule

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3-2. Route

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4. Design Enclosure in 3D

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5. Push 2D to 3D

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6. Insert PCB_3D to Enclosure

6-1. Insert PCB_3D to Enclosure and set Initial Position

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6-2. Edit In Place (Delete Sketch Line from PCB_3D)

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6-3. Edit In Place (Edit Board)

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6-4. Save and Sync

File name: Enclosure
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File name: Enclosure
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File name: PCB_3D (latest version)
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File name: PCB_3D (latest version)
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File name: PCB
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File name: PCB
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File name: PCB_3D (New File)
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File name: PCB_3D (New File)
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File name: PCB_3D (Old Version)

There are two different versions of PCB_3D files. “PCB_3D v3” and “PCB_3D v6”

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File name: PCB_3D (Old Version)
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File name: PCB_3D (Updated and marged Version)

“PCB_3D v3” is updated and marged as “PCB_3D v6”. Only one “PCB_3D” here

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7. Make change

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8. Preparing for Milling

8.1. Draw RawPCB shape on New Layer

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8.2. Export traces.png

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8.3. Export outline.png

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8.4. Export millholes.png

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Set up Shortcuts

Drill Holes making
ULP: drill-aid

run drill-aid 0
Set up Shortcuts:
Shortcuts -> SET FILL_LAYER 116 1;run drill-aid 0 -> press F12 to assign the key

8.5. Generate G-Code from Mods


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Preparing for order to a board house