3. Computer-Controlled Cutting¶
- Week1 -> feedback -> Complete -> Request Global Evaluation
- Week2 -> Student Checklist
Mar 05: computer-controlled machining¶
- Mar 06-07: Design in Fusion (on line)
- Mar 08 Sat: Day 1 (2 students + Instructor)
- PickUp 10:00 at Takatsuka Sta.
- Material at Homecenter
- Mar 09 Sun: Day 2 (1 student + Instructor)
- PickUp 10:00 at Takatsuka Sta.
Group Assignment¶
% cd repos
% git clone git@gitlab.fabcloud.org:academany/fabacademy/2025/labs/kannai/site.git
% ls
your-name site
% cd site
% git pull
% cd docs/Weekly_Group_Assignment/week03.md
% git add .
% git commit -m "message"
% git push
Group Assignment
do your lab’s safety training
Group Assignment
characterize your lasercutter’s focus, power, speed, rate,
kerf, joint clearance and types
Install Autodesk Fusion Add-in
- Shaper Utilities
- For Shaper Tools
- Autodesk Fusion -> .svg -> CorelDRAW…
Material: Cardboard t5mm Reinforced core A/Fluet
Ref. 2021
test | file |
Focus | svg / cdr |
Power-Speed-PPI | svg / cdr↑ |
Kerf | f3d |
Joint Clearance | f3d |
The key is “Kerf”
Individual Assignment¶
Individual Assignment
design, lasercut, and document a parametric construction kit,
accounting for the lasercutter kerf,
which can be assembled in multiple ways,
and for extra credit include elements that aren’t flat
Individual Assignment
cut something on the vinylcutter
Tips: Curio 2
New Silhouette-web