Digital bodies#
October 2nd 2018
Anastasia Pistofidou
Throughout our history we observe that the human body and its representation are of high importance in arts, sciences, medicine, psychology, etc.
A fashion designer uses the human figure as his white paper to produce his masterpiece. In the same way authors were using pencil and paper, then typewriter, keyboard and currently voice dictation, the tools of the fashion designer evolved through time.
On the way of enabling mass customization, the fashion industry is claiming for new tools that can scan and fabricate unique digitally tailored garments. How can one have access to a digital tailor that responds to his specific needs?
This class introduces new digital tools that complement hand tools in order to design, represent, make and modify the human figure that can then be used as a canvas for creation. We challenge the fashion designer to step away from the simple copy of the human figure as support of his work and start his creative process from its very beginning : the design of the canvas itself.
During this class you will have an overview of tools and softwares that you can use for design and prototyping your ideas. You will get the basic training and safety measurements for using the infrastructure of the laboratory.
Program outline#
- References of the representation of the human figure in art
- The mannequin in haute couture
- Human proportions
- Measuring the body
- Digital fabrication techniques : waffle, stucking, triangulation, radial, bending, kurf patterns
- Scanning
- Laser cutting
- 3D printing
- CNC milling
- Vacuum forming
- Materials
- 3D Scanning
- 3D Modeling
- 3d scanner
- kinect, sense3D, etc
- 3d modelling software: rhinoceros 3d & grasshopper, solidworks, fusion360, freecad, blender etc
- makehuman
- open fit lab open frameworks
- laser cutter
- big milling machine
- vacuum forming
- cardboard 3mm
- hi density foam
- wood & veneer
- composites materials
- resins, bio -resins -plastics, epoxy etc
- fibers, cotton, hemp, linen, jute, etc
- vacuum bags
- Include some inspiration: research on artists or projects that work with the human body
- Document the use of 3D scanner and softwares to acquire a 3D model
- Document the process of repairing and/or manipulating a 3D mesh and slicing it.
- Create my ready to cut file for laser cutting, learn how to use the laser cutter and document the workflow and upload your 3D and 2D files
- Learn about the fab lab processes, booking system, usage, machine demos, tools and safety rules
- Build and/or assemble my mannequin, create a stop motion assembling it or stepped process
- EXTRA POINT Send one picture (HIGH RES) of my mannequin to enter the competition for the annual exhibition
How will it be evaluated?#
- References - Concept
- Design : 3D scanning , 3D file manipulation, meshrepair tools, explore 3D programs (open and closed sourced)
- Fabrication : Capable of executing from file to production workflow, from slicer to laser cutting
- Documentation : Anyone can go through the process and understand
- Final outcome
- Originality - Aesthetics : Has the design been thought through and elaborated
Lecture notes#
Fabricademy 2018- Week 2 - Digital Bodies from Textile Academy on Vimeo.