Documentation + Web Coding#

Within this website you will find a journal, a journey through my trials and errors, my fails and successes within the next six months of experimentation. Follow my quest for sustainable design, for integration of human, technology and nature through conscious practices for creation.

Using GitLab to create a personal webpage#

In order to document using the GitLab platform for Fabricademy 2018 - 2019 I had to re-learn some HTML code.
After reading (and re-reading) the tutorial @fbasile uploaded on the Fabricademy 2018 - 2019 Wiki, I wanted to change the font and font colours for my webpage, but I had no luck inserting various forms of HTML code to do this:
javascript <p style="color:red;"> Example colour change </p>
javascript <p style="font-family:courier;"> Example font change </p>
javascript <body style="background-color:powderblue;"> Example background colour change

  • [x]I used Markdown for Github for simpler tasks such as adding quotations, emphasis in text, how to justify (align) text, insert images and links.
  • [x]I also used Mkdocs.yml (Under: files - docs - mkdocs.yml) to change the name of my page, and the theme from cerulean to spacelab (see highlighted):

Fabricademy: Intent#

I want to walk softly on the earth, integrating with every animate and inanimate energy in everything which exists, as we are made of the same cosmic matter and life force
Catherine Euale

Through the course of six months I will partake in an exploration of alternative materials for creating cloth, which ultimately will be made in a zero waste approach. I will explore how foraged and natural materials (which you can find in your kitchen) interact and change textile surfaces and how this connection can change the psychology of consumer interaction with garments. These garments will age, and change overtime as a second skin, as a visual map mirroring the breath, the life, the ultimate odyssey of the wearer.

Aspiration for Projects#

3D Printing and Bio Zero#

Wearables and Natural Dyes + Textiles#

Natural Dyes + Bacterial Dyes #

Concept Research#


Wearing the Land#

wearing the land from india flint on Vimeo.

Kombucha Leather#

Living Design (Mycellium) - Designers of the Unusual#