Amaya De Yavorsky

About me


When there's a will there's a way.

Hi everyone! I am Amaya De Yavorsky, I am French and Venezuelian and I was born in London. I have traveled a lot since I am a baby and I lived in lots of different places, such as the Caribbean, Spain, France, and the U.S.

I am 18 and I just graduate in fashion and art from Design and Architecture Senior High school in Miami. I decided to enter the Fabricademy course before doing my Bachelor in Fashion or Textile design. I want to learn different and innovative techniques that you don't usually get to learn in college so I would have a wide range of knowledge to experiment as much as I can. I would also be able to create my designs with a more sustainable approach.

Visit my Portfolio to see my work!

Previous work

The Cooking Dress

The Cooking Dress was the first time I experimented with bioplastic. Then I fell in love with this technique and the fact that you could create your own textiles.

BioPlastic dress

Reading between the lines

This is an upcycle project made of shirts and dyed with natural dyes

Upcycle shirt

Miami Fashion Week 2019

For my senior final project I made a collection for my school fashion show 'Equilux' that was presentend in the Miami Fashion week 2019. For my collection I used unconventional materials like inner tubes, news papers, transport blankets, and I also experimented with bioplastics and biolatex.

Miami fashion week

Dark Habits

Dark Habits is a serie of film photography from Hong Kong that explores the topic of its air pollution.

Film Photography