Juan Felipe Enriquez


About me

I´m a Fashion Designer specialized in Footwear and Luxury Accessories Design with a sustainable mindset and Industrial Design background. I like to combines aesthetics, function, ethics and innovation. I´m an innovative, provocative and modernistic designer, interested in the use of new materials and technologies. Passionate in research, prototyping and handle the end-to-end process. I was a TEDx speaker and I collaborate with Walter Gonzales in the book Neo Handicraft in América: Methods to incorporate digital fabricaion prosses into handicrafts.

This web page is the compilation and documentation of 6 months of research, experimentation and significant hands on learning experiences. You will be able to see my weekly progress and the construction of my final project focused in "Footwear Design". I have made a very visual and dynamic documentation that allows you to see the experiences and knowledge that I have obtained in this process. Enjoy

My background

I was born in one of the most bio-diversity contrys in the world, Ecuador. I'm a maker from a very young age. Since I was a child I have enjoyed working with the fusion of different materials, especially taking advantage of the properties of lightweight materials such as natural fibers and taking their best performance out of them.

In these 10 years I have been exploring new techniques and trades in different parts of South America. I designed the moust Luxury Train in Ecuador. It is the first train in the world where you can experience the phenomenon of the equinox twice a year. For the exterior design I took advantage of the topography of the landscape and the cliffs that the Cordillera de Los Andes offers to the tourists so they can enjoy the experience it that unique environment. In this project with REINO Studios we have been the winners of the World Travel Awards as the Best Luxury Train of South America for the last 5 consecutive years.

With 22 artisans from diferent regions from Ecuador we made the interior design of the train and we captured the skill of local techniques,.Here you can see part of the project 500Km of Handicraft.


Based on my experience of working with communities, I have designed a methodology of artisanal development and digital Fabrication called Heartmade , which enhances the traditional talent, strengthens their identity and boosts their economy. The objective of this project is for southern communities to develop objects inspired by local heritage, using their ancestral knowledge and that responds to the tastes and needs of today's consumers.

Previous work

In the 2018 I atenden FabAcademy. You can check my documentation here: (Link: http://fab.academany.org/2018/labs/fablabzoi/students/juanfelipe-enriquez/)

I propouse as my final project to design a digital pigment manufacturing device and color parameterization, inspired by traditional manufacturing pigment techniques from living organisms.



In 2019 I did a Master Degree in Istituto Marangony Firenze, were I specialized in Luxury Accessories Design, were I develop one of the collections for Stella Mc Cartney inspired in Bio materials and Bamboo. I´m very much in the streetwear style and also elegant and sophisticated design.


Because of this to previous projects I did, what I would creat as a Final Project for Fabricademy is to combinate and...


Adidas Project

Project Adidas

Adidas is the company which support my studies, and inspired on their vision of sustainability I would like to create...

Project Adidas