Project Management

Using git

GIT is a version control system for tracking changes in computer files and coordinating work on those files among multiple people. It is primarily used for source code management in software development, but it can be used to keep track of changes in any set of files. I have downloaded Git for Windows ,Soon after the installation I started with some Tutorials for git.

We all had to put our project on a repository on Github to be shared with our instructors To begin with,I had to generate SSH Key I did a clone of the repository,using the Git Clone command Then Git pull command to receive the changes made on the repository by others The 3 commands to add my new files where: Git Add -a, Git commit -m"commit name" and Git push. Git Add -a is necessary to add and update my files Git commit -m "something" is a way to name the version that I push Git push is to send the data to the distant repository.

As a version protocol system I used Git, of course. This system is well known not only people from the Computer Science sphere, but also among people who share work and need version control. Basically, Git is needed for tracking changes in computer files and coordinating work on those files among multiple people. It is primarily used for source code management in software development, but it can be used to keep track of changes in any set of files.

The commands to set up and prepare to upload files to the repository

1. Create a folder in any location of computer, in my case I choose Desktop and the folder name is "git_fabacademy".

2. Open Terminal located in Applications and set up my user and email account typing:

git config --global "chenhao"

git config --global ""

3. Change the directory in terminal to locate in the repositor folder:

cd Desktop

cd git_fabacademy

4. Created the SSH key that allows me to establish a secure connection between my computer and GitLab following the command in Terminal:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""

5. Copy and paste the SSH key in my user profile SSH Key menu.

To upload the files to the repository:

1. Make a local copy of the repository typing the command in Terminal:

git clone

2. After copy the files,identify the repository location on C drive

3.Move all files into your folder named with lower case letters

4. To upload the files to the repository I typed in Terminal:

git add .

git commit -m "updating website"

git push

building the personal website.

In this part, I explain how I have set up this website. This was the easiest part (but it still takes time) as I have already have some experience at setting up blogs and wordpress website. Wordpress is a great tool to manage content but it is pretty rigid and apparently not so secured. Directly working in the html file is a great learning experience. First, I installed a really nice text editor Atom that I use to edit the html files. Secondly, I have downloaded the bootstrap template, and installed it at the root of my working folder. Using git, I'll be able to upload the website on the remote repository. From this template I have adapted the different sections so I'll have an assignments section, a final project section and a about me section. All along the project, I expect to make this website evolve in terms of content and style. I have been using Notepad ++ for a long time for Web development.

Smart one-square-meter sustainable garden

It will be an integrated farming system with mealworms,biogas and aquaponics system together. We decided to design a greenhouse as subject for our STEAM education project. The goal was to regulate the temperature inside the greenhouse thanks a lamp, a servomotor to open a window and a PC fan. We wanted to maintain a quite constant level of temperature and humidity and to receive temperature, humidity,luminosity and PH measurements. This project was made for our STEAM tinkering course and we wanted to use a raspberry pi and an arduino board.


1. mealworm grow unit
2. Space Coast Mealworms
2. Aquaponics system OXGROW
3. Green Fab lab Aquapioneers