about the Fabacademy
The purpose of this website is to document my work and progress of a 6 months course that I will be taking during 2019, which is called the FabAcademy .
It is a hands-on learning experience, where we are guided and mentored online and locally to explore a different topic every week. Each week we have an assignment to do that we must complete whitin the established deadlines.
The content of the course is divided into; global lessons/revisions which are held online by Professor Neil Gershenfeld (Director of MIT's Center for Bits and Atoms) at Boston, Massachusests, every Wednesday.
Then we have local reviews, which in my case living in Asia, I attend to the online reviews together with my fellow classmates from China, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea. Then a very important part of the course which is the practice and project development, is held at the "node" you are participating from, in my case SHANGHAI, at FabLabO, guided by our patient instructor Saverio Silli, who during the semester will help us not to loose the track or go nuts.
Greetings from lovely Shanghai...