_week 19
Invention, Intellectual Property, & Income
The assignment of this week is to plan how to spread, disseminate our final project. Also to understand
and choose what type of license I will be using for my work developed during the FabAcademy.
Besides this we also have to make a draft of our video and slide for our final project.

While working on this project I got a new idea for this door opening system that could become a smart cat
shelter rather than a door opening-closing system.And I thought it would be great to begin by getting
feedback from people who has pets or rescue animals. So I plan to share the prototype of this smart door
with some animal rescue associations in Shanghai and also with a small company that does nutrition plans
for dogs and cats, in orther to see if anyone is interested in collaborating with me and design smart
shelters for the city.
In China we use a social platform called WECHAT and this would be my first main channel
where I would share the project I am developing.
Besides this I would be hapy to share ot as well with the community of FabLab I volunteer at
XinFab and with the FabLab where I am currently taking the FabAcademy.
Perhaps from these different groups I can get feedback, or even better other collaborators to improve my
prototype or take it further into a smart cat shelter.
After reading several interesting types of licences I decided to use a
Creative Commons
I knew about Creative commons since a while ago, and I wanted to give it a try and read a bit more about
the licenses they have and if I could use one.
They are a non-profit organization that offer several licenses that you can use freely, you need to choose the one that suits you best, follow up the guides to apply it on your work/website and you are all set.
They offer 6 types of licenses, and as I support and like the idea behind the open source "culture", I
decide that I would like people to be able to use my work freely, reproduce it, adapt it, this will make
it grow =), I would be happy to collaborate with users or anyone who could be interested in this
Attributing what other people has done before you is super important, this is how I learnt
many things throughout this course because of others work accreditation and sharing it. This helps ideas
to grow.
The license I choose is:
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
FabAcademy Final project 2019 by
Pamela Martello is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
This guide takes you step by step on how to use it:
choosing and setting your license
Draft for the final project slide

Draft video for the final project:
You can find here the final slide and video I used for my final project:
_slide draft final project
_video draft