How To Join The Instruction Team?

As the network grows, we have found it necessary to create a procedure for which Fab Academy Graduates can apply to become Instructors and we can record their years of service. This process helps Mentors make sure Instructors are ready to undertake the responsibilities assigned to such roles.

1. Application process

  • Novice and Junior Instructors must fill out an online application form (each year Coordination publishes a new one)
  • To fill this application you will be asked to submit a Motivation letter. This letter should include some relevant and interesting insights about yourself, your technical skills, to prove that you are motivated. It must also include your Teaching Philosophy Statement.
  • Mentors will review the Instructor Application to assess their skills and expectations, and their abilities - to run the program > Application does not mean Acceptance automatically.
  • Mentors may require extra information or documents to ensure all the requirements are met, and may also - require a personal Interview (Via online conference)
  • Mentors will advise on the status of the Instructor and the need or not for extra support during the cycle.

2. Assessment process

A team of Mentors will assess your applications focusing on the following points:

  • Your technical skills
  • Your teaching and communicational skills
  • Your understanding of Fab Academy ethos
  • Your understanding of Fab Academy cycles and processes
  • The dedication you can offer to the program
  • Your relationship with the Node
  • Your engagement with the Fab Academy Community

3. Mentor’s advice

After the assessment, the team of mentors will propose a series of strategies and advises to ensure you can handle the responsibilities attached to the role. These advices may range from prep-sessions to undergo the operational aspects of the course, up to a more constant mentoring schedule before and during the cycle.

Mentors may ask Novice and/or Junior Instructors a draft of their schedule for the cycle: days for mentoring, days for tutorials, access to machines, materials requests, etc.