FabAcademy - Tutorials

A living collection of tutorials created by Fab Academy instructors/students around the world to support Fab Academy. Don't rely on a single tutorial. Check the the multiple tutorials and look for other resources.

How do I contribute?

Additions are always welcome, but if you are creating a modified version of a tutorial, don't duplicate information. Just update the existing tutorials. Tutorials can be created in any language, but use of English is strongly encouraged for maximum diffusion.

  1. Create a https://fablabs.io/ account if you don't have already one.
  2. Fork the FabAcademy-Tutorials repository
  3. You will find a folder for each week/assignment. Create your tutorial inside the corresponding assignment folder.
  4. Your tutorial name must clarify the OS and language used in the tutorial. Example: shopbot_windows_english.md
  5. Write your tutorial using Markdown. If it is your first time writing in Markdown follow this tutorial. Your can use any text editor like Atom, Sublime, Brackets, or Notepad++
  6. We have provided a template for creating new tutorials in case you need a guideline.
  7. If you need to host images or files, create a folder next to your tutorial using the same name as the tutorial (example shopbot_windows_english). Put your images and files inside it. Recommended images size is 800x600 pixels.
  8. Keep it simple. Less is more.
  9. Build the Gitbook locally - MANDATORY - this will allow you to test an offline version of the book and not break the online one!
  10. Once you are done. Create a merge request to have your tutorial approved by the mighty instructors.
  11. Once approved you can read your tutorial in the tutorials book
  12. Thanks for your contribution!