
Here you can find all my past and present assignments from the FabAcademy

Final project development

A journey through the design process

Invention, intellectual property and income


Advanced textiles

Interface and application programming

Showing the app!

Mechanical and machine design

The Resistorbot!

Networking and communication

A blinking fox

Applications and Implications

Final decision on the Final Project

Output devices

Electronics for the final project: focus on the output

Input devices

Electronics for the final project: focus on the input

Molding and casting

Embedded programming

Computer-controlled machining

MakerUnit 2.0

Electronics design

3D Scanning and printing

From zero to hero

Electronics production

Into the unknown!

Computer-controlled cutting

And the mysteries of parametric design in Onshape

Computer-aided design

From inside the box to outside the box

Project management

Build your own website (and more)

Giant - movable - breadboard with components

Teaching physical computing the easy way

Failure is (not) an option

Children are great imitators, so give them something great to imitate.