Cost Structure

Introduction to Fab Academy Costs

The content Fab Academy course is free, all the classes and documentation are available for anyone, on our Archive.

By paying their tuition fees, students pay the set of services attached to the program such as Instruction and Support, Evaluation, Hosting of documentation, Administration, among others.

Fab Academy Tuition fee, like all Academany educational programs, is based on the combination of 2 costs:

:small_blue_diamond: Local Costs the costs needed to run the course in the local Fab Lab that hosts the program

:small_orange_diamond: Central Costs infrastructural costs and services provided by Faculty, Team, Central Coordination & Administration

See the Tuition Fee section.

Cost Breackdown

:small_blue_diamond: Local Costs are variable, decided by the Node, calculated according to local economies.

The Local Costs cover:

:small_orange_diamond: Central Costs are fixed in 2500$ for Fab Labs located in America, Asia, Africa and Oceania; and 2500€ for Fab Labs located in Europe.

The Central Costs are fixed: $2500 or €2500 in European countries. This covers:

Costs for Nodes

Nodes whose Instructors are fresh graduates who never taught the course before, must cover (from Local Costs) a percentage for expert supervision.

To instruct the course, these “Novice” Instructors need support and supervision from remote guru/mentor. In this case, the nodes must cover the remote mentoring costs: 625$ per student.

As an example, if the tuition fees are 5000$, the breakdown would be:

In this scenario, the Nodes receive 1875$.

Nodes whose Instructors have experience in teaching Fab Academy can claim the totality of the Local Costs.

For any questions, please contact coordination at