Week 12

Molding and Casting

Group Assignment

Safety data sheets

The moulding and casting project the student made was a cake pop mould casted with cake. Since the cake recipe does not come with a safety data sheet the only safety data sheet for this project is for the silicone used.

The silicone used is from Zhermack industrial and product number is ZA13. See the Material Safety Data sheet here

Zhermack ZA13 Silicone Unit
Mix Ratio By Weight 1A : 1B
Density 1.07 g/cc
Viscosity Of Pre-Catalysed Mix 4500 ± 500 cP
Mixing Time @ 23°C 1 min
Working Time @ 23°C 40 - 50 mins
Setting Time @ 23°C 2.5 - 3 hrs
Shore A Hardness A13
Tensile Strength 3.0 ± 0.2 N/mm²
Elongation At Break 450 ± 20%
Tear Resistance Die B 14 ± 1 N/mm
Tear Resistance Die C 9 ± 1 N/mm
Cure Colour Translucent

Table borrowed from Andri Sæmundsson

Printing vs milling molds

This cycle in the Fab Academy is the first cycle where students were allowed to 3d print their moulds. However, the moulds can not be printed using a FDM printer as the layers are not smooth enough. Students can only use a resin printer to create moulds. Fab Lab Reykjavik does not have a readily available resin printer so students have to use the CNC mill to create their moulds.